Saturday, October 16, 2010

Big endorsement!

"Woo hoo!" "Yee ha!" "Way to go, Trey!"

These are a few of the comments I have heard from supporters in response to the Sunbury Daily Item's endorsement of my campaign in todays' paper ( -- click the "editorials" button). What can I say -- I agree with my supporters!

There are two long weeks to go, 1000 doorhangers to hang, 200 yard signs to place, radio ads to make and run, a radio interview to give and the League of Women Voters' debate to attend (this Wednesday, 10/20), but right now I am feeling very excited and hopeful. Governing is a slog, and trying to get into a position to govern is a surreal and particularly stressful slog -- you never know for sure what's going to come of your efforts, but you have to keep trying. However, this is a clear, if temporary, triumph, and I am savoring it.

Thank you for your support, and if you don't support me, thanks for reading my blog. I hope I can convince you to someday become a supporter!

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